"Sadie Benning began experimenting with video at fifteen years old, inspired to express herself and the obstacles she faced in her identity as a queer artist. She continues to make films, drawings, and sculptures that reflect the challenges of youth. Her earliest videos were created in her childhood bedroom, integrating handwritten diary entries and nearby subjects that illustrated her inner dialogue. In her later works, her own body appears more regularly and she expands upon her continued challenges to masculinity and femininity. Her two-dimensional artworks consist of abstract shapes, often made of wood or resin, painted in pastel hues. Their wear and tear are symbols of their evolution—a link to the psychological ambiguity of growing up, feeling alienated or confused, and the ways in which one might solidify their sense of self. Benning’s artworks render her identity in intimate detail, embracing the angst and obstacles she had to overcome."
close up shots from first person
breeching the line of privacy
private vs public
private made public